Planning Your Outdoor Space

The front yard may be what catches the eyes of neighbors or prospective homeowners, but the backyard is a sanctuary designed solely for your purposes. If your backyard could use a little TLC, check out our tips for planning your Reno landscaping backyard design.

1. Map Your Reno Landscaping Space

Look at your existing space and take note of the layout of the existing area. Here are some things to consider when mapping your backyard:

  • Do you have trees or bushes that you may want to keep or design around?

  • Do you have fences or sheds?

  • Where does the water flow on a rainy day - does it pool in areas of your yard or roll off the roof?

  • Are there any areas covered in shadow most of the day or areas that are particularly sunny

After you have taken stock of the property, consider what you like or don’t like about the space. Do you want to keep your oak tree but get rid of the crumbling walkway? Do you want a green getaway or a water-conserving desert landscaping in Reno?

Reno Landscaping

2. Consider Plant choices

Choose plants that will thrive in the areas that you intend to put them and materials that will resist or thrive in the elements.

  • Native plants such as water-retaining succulents, ground covers and other drought-resistant varieties will grow well in our environment as they are already accustomed to the dry, hot climate of Northern Nevada

  • Place your plants in locations that are suitable to their variety. Grouping your plants according to their water needs helps to preserve water, and placing in areas that get the correct amount of sunlight will prevent wilting.

  • Choosing perennials rather than annuals. Annuals are often purchased and planted only in the spring and summer, meaning they bloom fast and need to be replaced yearly. Perennials continually grow year after year and are often well-adapted to our climate.

Reno Landscaping

3. Hardscapes

For a professionally planned look, integrate hardscapes into your backyard design with stacked stone retaining walls, paver patios or walkways made with paver stones, granite, pebble or cobblestones. This helps add functionality and decorative appeal to your backyard with special designs and placements.

4. Lighting

Enjoy your yard into the late evening hours by adding your own illumination. There are many LED or low-voltage options for the power-saver that don’t require major installation and are still beautiful to the eye. Tiki torches, string lights or lanterns are great options to turn your outdoor space into a glowing work of art.

5. Water Feature Additions

Adding water features to your Reno landscaping can create a visual focal point for your new backyard design. A pond, fountain or other water feature can add a musical element to your design to help mask loud noises or create a contemplative space. There are many different features that you can find based on your taste, budget or landscape.

6. Hire Reno Landscaping Experts

Are you looking for Reno landscaping services? Antonucci Lawn and Garden has you covered. One of our landscaping professionals can help you realize your dream of a perfect backyard without the weeks of planning and hard work. They can stick to your budget while working hand in hand to provide your dream landscape. Let our Reno landscaping professionals do the hard work while you sit and enjoy the serenity of your new yard.

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About the Author

As one of Northern Nevada’s leading landscape companies, Antonucci Lawn & Garden offers fresh ideas and quality craftsmanship to improve outdoor living. Since 2009, Antonucci has been focused on enhancing beautiful landscaping. Whether starting from scratch or renovating an existing backyard, our knowledgeable staff and certified team of contractors will explain everything you need to build your perfect outdoor retreat.


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