3 Creative Ways to Incorporate Pavers into Your Landscaping

Paver Design & Installation, pavers reno nv

As we come out of a long winter in Reno, it’s the perfect time to start thinking of those backyard BBQs, summer get-togethers, or simply lounging outside in the fresh air. However, your lawn and garden may look less than stellar after our slew of snow-storms and chilly temps. If you feel like you could use a little refresh before diving full-swing into the summer months, check out our list of creative ways to incorporate our Reno pavers into your Reno landscaping project. Paver installation in Reno, NV may just add the touch of style and elegance you’re looking for!

Add Stepping Stones as a Path to Your Garden

If you want to impress guests (and maybe a few squirrels), adding elegant stepping stones out to your garden creates a lasting impression and touch of elegance to your landscaping without going over the top with price and construction. Not only do stepping stones look great, but they add functionality without the normal wear and tear you get from concrete and gravel.

Create an Appealing Driveway

One way to incorporate pavers into your landscaping in Reno is by using them in your driveway. A driveway made with pavers gives your home a polished and sophisticated look, that takes it a step up from gravel and concrete. You also have less of a chance of them cracking and looking worn over time due to weather and normal wear and tear.

Build a Custom Patio in Your Backyard with Pavers

If you have the right space for it, a custom patio made with pavers can add a beautiful touch to your yard. Unlike a traditional deck, it creates an open space that you can get creative with. It gives you all of the flexibility to add furniture, a fireplace, and hardscaping that will fit uniquely with the style of your home.Although paver installation in Reno, NV typically cost more than traditional concrete, gravel, and wood, they also last longer and look better over time in the harsh conditions of Reno weather. Even through the rain, wind, and snow, you’re guaranteed to have better-looking yard than your neighbor (not that we’re comparing or anything!) For more information on our Reno landscaping services or to find professional Reno pavers installers, check out our hardscaping and pavers page. Or, check out why commercial landscape maintenance is important for your property!Happy Landscaping!

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About the Author

As one of Northern Nevada’s leading landscape companies, Antonucci Lawn & Garden offers fresh ideas and quality craftsmanship to improve outdoor living. Since 2009, Antonucci has been focused on enhancing beautiful landscaping. Whether starting from scratch or renovating an existing backyard, our knowledgeable staff and certified team of contractors will explain everything you need to build your perfect outdoor retreat.


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